Privacy beleid

Wie we zijn

Onze website is:


Welke persoonlijke data collecteren wij en waarom?

Formulier voor offerte/dakinspectie

Wij vragen in de MySunergy calculator naar de volgende gevens zodra u een officiele offerte wilt aanvragen of de resultaten wilt verzenden naar uw email: Naam, Email adres en Telefoonnummer. Ook slaan wij de resultaten van uw berekening op zodat we deze in de toekomst met u of eventuele installateurs kunnen delen. Deze gegevens worden uitsluiten gedeeld met installateurs van zonnepanelen, als u daar expliciet toestemming voor geeft in het formulier



  1. Functionele cookies die nodig zijn voor het normaal functioneren van de website. De cookies bevatten geen persoonlijke informatie.
  2. Google Analytics; a statistics service of Google. Google Analytics uses various cookies. These cookies contain information that may enable Google to indentify you. The information Google Analytics collects for MySunergy has been made anonymous as much as possible. MySunergy uses the statistics that have been made anonymous to gain insight in the use of its website and to maximize its effectiveness accordingly. The information that is gained by placing the cookie is filed by Google on servers in the United States. Google is a party to the Safe Harbor program of the U.S. Department of Commerce. MySunergy does not have any influence on the use of data by Google and/or third parties. Google may furnish data it has been provided with to third parties in the event that the law compels it to do so or in so far as third parties process the data on behalf of Google. For more information please read the privacy policy of Google and the special privacy policy of Google Analytics.
  3. We use advertising programs like Google AdWords, Google DoubleClick, Twitter, AdRoll and Facebook. On behalf of these advertising programmes MySunergy places advertising cookies to give these third parties insights of visitors information on an anonymous basis. These cookies measure if you have seen or clicked on Google AdWords/Doubleclick, Twitter, AdRoll or Facebook adverts.MySunergy uses visitor information to approach visitors again and show them personalized ads.

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Embedded content from other websites

Articles on this site may include embedded content (e.g. videos, images, articles, etc.). Embedded content from other websites behaves in the exact same way as if the visitor has visited the other website.

These websites may collect data about you, use cookies, embed additional third-party tracking, and monitor your interaction with that embedded content, including tracking your interaction with the embedded content if you have an account and are logged in to that website.

Who we share your data with

We delen geen data met derde partijen tenzij daar expliciet toestemming voor is gegeven. In dat geval zullen de resultaten en de NAW gegevens ingevuld bij de calculator worden gedeeld met de installateur bij u in de buurt. Zodra u een afspraak heeft gemaakt met de installateur, gaat u een samenwerking aan met dat bedrijf. Het rivacybeleid van dat bedrijf is dan leidend.


How long we retain your data

MySunergy will retain the data for a period of four years. We will not keep your personal data any longer than is strictly necessary in order to achieve the purposes for which your data is being collected.


What rights you have over your data

Ten allen tijde kunt uw persoonlijke data opbvragen, aanpassen of verwijderen. Stuur daarvoor een verzoek naar [email protected].


How we protect your data

All communication between de server and your computer is encrypted.


What data breach procedures we have in place

What third parties we receive data from

What automated decision making and/or profiling we do with user data

Industry regulatory disclosure requirements